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Frequent Questions

How The Personal Injury Claims Process Works?

The key part to make a personal injury claims is to prove liability. You always need an evidence to support your claim and show that a third party was responsible for your injuries.

What is a Letter of Claim?

It outlines the facts you are issuing the claim upon. A Letter of Claim should also set out the injuries you sustained.

Define Alternate Dispute Resolution?

ADR is where the representatives of both claimant and defendant try to resolve the issue. This can done through means such as mediation or arbitration.

Who Is Liable For My Personal Injury?

The personal injury claims process are as follows:

  1. A third party owed you a duty of care.
  2. That third party failed to uphold this duty.
  3. This failure caused you to be injured.
Is There A Time Limit To Start a Claim?

Personal injury claims need to be brought within 3 years of the accident date. In cases where the injured person is a minor, the time limit can be extended.

What Evidence Could Help?

Your claim will vary depending on where your accident took place. You need to do following:

  • You should always seek medical attention following an accident, and not simply for your own health.
  • Keep a record of you treatment.
  • For work related injuries, collect a copy of incident report.
  • Request copies of CCTV or dashcam footage.
  • Contact details of potential witnesses can be really helpful.
What Are The Benefits of Conditional Fee Agreement?

A CFA is a No Win No Fee contract that features a number of benefits when making a claim. In most cases, you will not have to pay upfront for the solicitor, if your claim fails, there will be no fee to pay for the services they provide.

When My Claim Will Start?

After your eligibility to start a claim has been assessed by our advisors, a solicitor from our panel could take on your case if our team decides you have valid grounds to begin a personal injury claim.